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Tuesday, April 15, 2008'♥

adopt your own virtual pet!

blogged @ Tuesday, April 15, 2008

Monday, April 14, 2008'♥

look at the tiger.It is going to be exctinct if
we don't act now-mursyidah

blogged @ Monday, April 14, 2008

Friday, April 11, 2008'♥

Look at this group of spider monkeys.
Look at their home
All because of this
They need a new home

Think about it,would you like this to happen to your home?-Aiqil Amani

blogged @ Friday, April 11, 2008


Giant Panda
I am the giant panda. My family and firends are going to be extinct soon. Please help us, the main threats to us are habitat loss and hunting. It is sad to see our family members being killed by poachers or seeing our home being burnt down. Please help us by not hunting us, and burning our home. Please help Us, we are going to be extinct soon, there are only 1600 of us left in the world.
Done By: Gladys

blogged @ Friday, April 11, 2008


Many animals are endangered!!!

Everyone must play a part on protecting the endangered animals!!!

Here are some ways to protect them:
1) Donate money to the society that protects them.
2) Stop poachers or hunters from killing them. Ask an adult to help you.
3) Distribute notices or bookmarks etc.
4) Send an e-mail or post a blog message on the internet.

There are some more ways to help them to stay alive!

Help and protect them before they really become extinct!

Animals are also a part of us! They are also living things like us! So, help them now!!!!!

Liaw Yong Hao, 4G

blogged @ Friday, April 11, 2008


Poor polar bears! They are so cute and fluffy but they are facing extinction because of global warming and pollution. Polar bears could be extinct soon if climate change continues to melt the North Pole's ice so we should stop burning fossil fuels, be more energy efficient and use electricity from renewable sources. Please save them before it is too late! Xuan Yun

blogged @ Friday, April 11, 2008


Polar bears are my favourite animals. They are cute and fluffy.They are facing extinction because of global warming and pollution.Please save them before its too late!

Shin Neng

blogged @ Friday, April 11, 2008

Thursday, April 10, 2008'♥

The gorilla is a shy and, for the most part, inoffensive vegetarian -- a far cry from the fearsome, aggressive creature depicted in films and comic books. Only when provoked or threatened does it rise to an erect position and beat its cupped hands against its chest in an attempt to intimidate intruders. Gorillas are the largest and most powerful of the apes. Adult males reach an average height of 150-170 cm and weigh from 135 to 230 kg. Females are smaller, but both male and female are tremendously powerful, possessing the ability to tear branches from bushes and uproot small trees. They spend their days quietly, either in a leisurely search for food, or resting in the warm sun.
Unfortunately, these animals, native to the equatorial regions of Africa, are diminishing in number due, in part, to illegal hunting and advancing civilization. Also, laws prohibiting, rather than just controlling, the capture and sale of gorillas need to be passed and enforced in all countries within the species’ range.
Please don't kill it until there is none left!!!!!

blogged @ Thursday, April 10, 2008


There are an estimated between 350-400 Siberian tigers in nature, and approximately 5,000 tigers of all subspecies in the wild. Dedicated to tiger conservation and research since the 1960's
Currently WCS is involved in tiger conservation including: India, Cambodia, Thailand, Malaysia, Indonesia, Laos, Myanmar, China, and Russia
Initiated the Siberian Tiger Project in 1991. A cooperative effort between Russian and American scientists and biologist. This involves preserving the entire ecosystem that these tigers and other species depend upon and researching human impacts.
Please save them,please!!!

blogged @ Thursday, April 10, 2008


Poor cute little Snow Leopard!!!
There are less than 8900 Snow Leopards left in the wild.:(
So please help them and stop poaching!!!:(

blogged @ Thursday, April 10, 2008


Poor Polar Bears.They are dying because of Global Warming.

By:Noor Zaidah

blogged @ Thursday, April 10, 2008


Poor animal. It is going to be kill by hunters.
Look it is so cute and nice.
please don't kill such a cute animal

blogged @ Thursday, April 10, 2008


poor thing.Going to be kill by poachers.

blogged @ Thursday, April 10, 2008


Endangered Tiger
Some poachers hunt them for their fur.But think about them.There are about 100,000 tigers left in the world.Please do something to help them!!!
by:Axel Goh

blogged @ Thursday, April 10, 2008

Wednesday, April 9, 2008'♥

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


There are only around 200 of the white tigers left in the world.
So please stop poaching.
-Fu Hao

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


I am endangered! Please Help me!

I am a pretty cool animal and I am one of the biggest species of bear in terms of size.

I live in below freezing temperatures. You can find me mostly in northern Canada and close to the North Pole where in the winter it's snowy, icy and freezing cold. These places have short summers and long winters.

Why am I endangered? Well, the climate is getting warmer and my female freinds are loosing fat and can't produce enough milk for the cubs and soon they will not be able to reproduce at all. Also, if human industry moves north they will destroy our food chain, this will result in lesser food for us and we will suffer from hunger. So, please stop destorying our food chain and do your best to help us by saving our environment. -

By Zheng Qian

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Poor tigers! Why are they becoming endangered?
Please do something to save them!

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


It is so beautiful when they jump out of the water
The are going to be extinct
please stop extinction!

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


why do poachers kill such a cute and loving animal.
why are the hunter so cruel.
let work together to save them!

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


The first European to see a koala in 1788 gave it the latin name Phascolarctos cinereus,meaning
ash-grey pouched bear.it has little in common with real bears,but its water-repellent,
woolly fur made it a prime target for hunters.in 1927,before it was protected,800,000 was killed
so bad!! what can we do to save them!!?
Yi shen--4g =p

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


They are animals too don't kill them.
-Koh Wai Jnn

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Polor bears
Look it so cute!
- Sabrina chua

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Why do people kill them for? It's so cruel. They kill them for the horns. How could they do that!!!!
Done By: Gladys-4G

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


85% of the black rhinos have been killed in the last 25 years.
- Sabrina chua

Rhinoceros, Rhino. There are five species of rhino alive today, the White rhino (aka Square-Lipped), Sumatran rhino, Black rhino (aka Hook-Lipped rhino), Javan rhino, Indian rhino (aka Great Indian rhino).

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Hi fellow friends!

This a snow leopord.

It is being hunted for its silky and beautiful skin.

I hope we can do something about it.........

Hunters are just killing innocent lives!

We must do something before they become exctinct or else our grandchildren will not see them in their lives!


blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Red Panda

They are so cute and nice but i cannot save them.

I only can save that stop killing innocent lifes.

done by - Jia Wei

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


why should poachers cut their trunks? poor things.]

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Giant Panda
Please do not kill them!
They are also humans and animals.

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


" Look how beautiful it is jumping!

Save them!

Do not hunt them for their dorsal fins."- Muhesh

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Polar bears are my favourite animals because they are cute and fluffy! But its sad news that they will soon become extinct because of global warming and pollution. I hope that there will be polar bears forever! Shin Neng
Poor polar bears! They are so cute but because of global warming and pollution they may be extinct. I hope that polar bears will not be extinct and live forever.-Xuan Yun

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


An African elephant

Poor elephant they are being hunted for tusks to make ivory jewellery.

They will die If nobody stops to buy all these weapons.

That will stop them from killing the animals.


blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Their eyes are so sparkly but
too bad that they are going to be extinct
I wish i could do something about it......
-Warrick tan

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


adopt your own virtual pet!

Poor Panda
We will try to help you to be not extinct, SAVE GIANT PANDA NOW
Kelvin Neo

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Known as the Lion Tailed Macauqe.The most endangered Monkey in the world and the smallest macauqe among all macauqe.The cries of it in the jungle can be mistaken for a human's voice. Jackie Lim Wei Chao

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Why does people wanted to kill the Zebras for their coat?
- Sabrina Chua

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Poor Sharks What can be done?They help us clean the sea and I would like to thank them.They also provide great food for us. YUM! Jackie Lim Wei Chao

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Poor animal.Do something to save them! - Lim Jia Wei

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Endangered Animal

Many people catch shark from the sea for their fins and after they cut off the shark fin,the poacher will then put the shark back to the sea and the shark will soon die.We can help them by not eating the shark fin in the restaurant.If we keep catching shark for their fins,the shark will soon be extinct .
Thank You!
by:Axel Goh

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008


Atlantic Bottlenose Dolphin
Poor Dolphins. Going to be extinct if nothing is done to help them- Mrs Tan

blogged @ Wednesday, April 09, 2008

The KamPong Days♥

Not Rich But Fun
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